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Top Tips For The First Time Homeowners

Posted by Empire Property on 28/09/2022

Owning your first home is one of the biggest milestones in an individual’s life. Once it’s finally all yours, you want to make sure you avoid common rookie mistakes like the ones below.

Starting major renovations right away. With all the excitement and energy from moving in still lingering, it’s easy to get caught up in home improvements. Before starting a major renovation, give yourself 2 or 3 months of living in your home to really solidify that it’s the right financial investment and what you really want.

Ignoring routine maintenance. Ignoring routine upkeep and maintenance, such as prepping your pipes for winter, clearing gutters, and filling cracks near doors and walls can cause big issues down the line. Make sure to budget both time and money for these tasks.

Hiring the cheapest option. If you have a job that requires a professional contractor, don’t always opt for the cheapest option. Makes sure to get several estimates for the work and look online for reviews. Once you do your research, select the professional you think will do the best job.

Not knowing your property boundaries. During the sales process, you may receive a survey of your home and property, however it’s crucial you know exactly where your property lines are. Outline this before your start planting or building fences or structures.

Neglecting the exterior of your home. Once you move in, it’s easy to focus your energy and effort on the interior, but don’t forget to give your exterior some TLC with thoughtful landscaping and regular checks to ensure weeds are taken care of and water is draining correctly.

The home buying process is always overwhelming. However, if you have an organised approach, you can greatly reduce the chances of making an expensive mistake. Remember all the old advice about buying your first home. Have an emergency fund, get your finances into shape, save for the down payment, and don’t buy a house you can’t afford.

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