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Packing for Storage – The Ultimate Checklist

Posted by Anthony Van Der Wielen on 07/06/2018

Storage is an incredibly valuable resource if you are in the process of selling your home. It gives you the chance to empty your home, thereby showing your property in the best light,  free of all the clutter that can disguise your home’s strong points.

However, storage is only useful if you know how to properly pack your valuables, thereby ensuring their protection and enabling them to be removed from your space in one-piece.

The Essentials

There are two essentials to every storage experience. Understanding these essentials will ensure your belongings are set-up for the perfect stay in your storage facility.

The first thing you need to understand is that the less you store, the less your final bill. There is absolutely no room in your storage space for unwanted items, so you need to focus on decluttering before you place anything in storage. It will save you a lot of money.

Once you’ve decluttered and decided on what you’re going to store, you need to create an inventory. This will ensure that everything you placed in storage is finally retrieved, making it your most valuable document.

How to Pack for Storage

You need to remember that storage spaces offer a very different environment than your home. Even the most sophisticated storage units will be harsh on delicate items, like books, photos and anything made from natural materials. These sorts of items need to be double-wrapped and specially treated to ensure survival.

You also need to focus on:

  • Preparing whitegoods for their stay in storage by thoroughly cleaning, disinfecting and drying. You also need to keep doors and lids open in order to protect seals and prevent mould and damp.
  • Electronic items should be stored in their original packaging (if possible). If you can’t find the packaging, choose a similar sized box and fill it with plenty of bubble wrap. Never use packing peanuts as these can get inside components. Make sure all batteries are removed because batteries invariably leak.

Properly Packing a Storage Unit

So, you’ve packed your items into boxes and prepared them for storage; now you have to pack the unit itself. You’ve paid for the entire space, so you want to use every inch. To do this, pack all the way to the roof of the storage unit by using plywood sheets to create stable layers between boxes.

Also, use the following expert tips to ensure the safety of your belongings:

  • Protect all boxes from damp. Damp typically collects around the wall and the floor of storage units. You should stack your boxes away from the wall, and off the floor by placing them on wooden pallets.
  • Secure your storage unit with an all-weather, short arm lock. These locks can’t be broken into with bolt cutters, so you can rely on them to protect your space and your belongings.

For more expert tips on storage, download the complete storage checklist. The checklist contains information on everything you need to know about packing, storing and protecting your items, and will also assist in avoiding some of the common problems encountered by the uninformed customer.

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